I've been working on a new piece, density swells upclose in breath for La Fiammata Piano Duo this year and will be premiered on May 31st at Mazzoleni Hall in Toronto! It's been such a wonderful experience getting to work closely with Linda and Charissa in composing this piece for them. We got the chance to have several workshops where we tried different aleatoric structures, even recorded their heart rates to incorporate into the rhythmic structures of the piece. This was was generously supported by a Commissioning Grant from the Ontario Arts Council.
Premiere of out of grains, within clouds at the Music Gallery’s Emergence Concert Series in collaboration with Din of Shadows.
We've been rehearsing my piece out of grains, within clouds, focusing on putting together the choreography with live music at this point. So excited to be working with Quinn Jacobs of Din of Shadows again and to have such amazing and inspiring collaborators: Louis Pino, Jonny Smith, Angela Blumberg, and Ming-Bo Lam! The piece will be premiered with Din of Shadows' Material Mythology concert at the Music Gallery in May.
US acousmatic premiere of wonted at the 2019 CEMIcircles Festival 2020.
It was an amazing experience to participate in the Explore the Score Reading Session and hear my piece in turn played by this orchestra. I’m so grateful to the Toronto Symphony Orchestra and the Canadian Music Centre for this initiative! Thank you!
Toronto Symphony Orchestra workshops in turn, as part of their Explore the Score session conducted by Gary Kulesha.
Julia was one of five chosen from other emerging composers across Canada, including Sean Clarke (Ottawa), Keiko Devaux (Montreal), Kathryn Knowles (Toronto), and Scott Ross-Molyneux (Calgary) to participate in the Toronto Symphony Orchestra’s Reading Session.
Julia was a finalist in Delirium Musicum’s 2018-19 Call for Scores for her piece Shift.
Had a little recording session today of my voice and electronics piece, XIV with the amazing Clarisse Tonigussi! The recording will be posted soon. In the meantime, you can check out our recent performance of the piece earlier in October.
Windermere String Quartet performs Echoes of Illumina which was originally composed for the quartet back in 2015.